Saturday, June 14, 2008

working towards a hamster's life...

Hit the gym today again and to my surprise, I actually managed to run continuously for a full 30min, a total of 3.6km! Never in my whole life have I managed to run so much. Think the furthest distance I have managed to run is 3.2km and that was back in JC time, which was soooo long ago.

Guess it’s really all in the mind, you just got to set the target for yourself and nothing will be impossible. Thanks Mr & Mrs Bunny for the advice! Shall continue to work towards this duration, if not, more. =)


Slacker said...

YES!!!! YEAH!!! WELL DONE.. pat on your back!

need to get my 2 hamsters to train u? ehhehe

Queen Yukie said...

well done hamtaro!!
I must strive to be a hamster as well!! I'm growing into a potato!!

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